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Dinero.js version



Distribute the amount of a Dinero object across a list of ratios.

Monetary values have indivisible units, meaning you can't always exactly split them. With allocate, you can split a monetary amount then distribute the remainder as evenly as possible.

You can use percentage or ratio style for ratios: [25, 75] and [1, 3] do the same thing. You can also pass zero ratios (such as [0, 50, 50]). If there's a remainder to distribute, zero ratios are skipped and return a Dinero object with amount zero.

If you need to use fractional ratios, you shouldn't use floats, but scaled amounts instead. For example, instead of passing [50.5, 49.5], you should pass [{ amount: 505, scale: 1 }, { amount: 495, scale: 1 }]. When using scaled amounts, the function converts the returned objects to the safest scale.

All ratios must be positive, and you can't only pass zero ratios.

Copy linkParameters


The Dinero object to allocate from.

ratiosArray<ScaledAmount<TAmount> | TAmount>

The ratios to allocate the amount to.


Copy linkCode examples

Copy linkAllocate to percentages

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const d = dinero({ amount: 500, currency: USD });

const [d1, d2] = allocate(d1, [50, 50]);

d1; // a Dinero object with amount 250
d2; // a Dinero object with amount 250

Copy linkAllocate to ratios

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const d = dinero({ amount: 100, currency: USD });

const [d1, d2] = allocate(d1, [1, 3]);

d1; // a Dinero object with amount 25
d2; // a Dinero object with amount 75

Copy linkDistribute as fairly as possible

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const d = dinero({ amount: 1003, currency: USD });

const [d1, d2] = allocate(d1, [50, 50]);

d1; // a Dinero object with amount 502
d2; // a Dinero object with amount 501

Copy linkIgnore zero ratios

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const d = dinero({ amount: 1003, currency: USD });

const [d1, d2, d3] = allocate(d1, [0, 50, 50]);

d1; // a Dinero object with amount 0
d2; // a Dinero object with amount 502
d3; // a Dinero object with amount 501

Copy linkUse scaled ratios and convert to the safest scale

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const ratios = [
  { amount: 505, scale: 1 },
  { amount: 495, scale: 1 },
]; // translates to ratios 50.5 and 49.5
const d = dinero({ amount: 100, currency: USD });

const [d1, d2] = allocate(d, ratios);

d1; // a Dinero object with amount 505 and scale 3
d2; // a Dinero object with amount 495 and scale 3